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Cultural AttractionCastleCultural Attraction // Castle

Artikaina Castle near Oreino Korakovouni

Shortly before we reach Oreino Korakovouni (approaching it from the northwest), a 3 kilometer dirt road heads off to the left toward Artikaina Castle, a Byzantine era fortification. We can get to the castle by hiking along a rough path for 20-30 minutes, enjoying the view toward Paralio Astros.


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Altitude (in meters) : 762
Chronological Period : Byzantine Period
Access : Dirt roadDirt road
Accessible : ModerateModerate
Duration of Visit : 1 hour 40 minutes


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Just a few meters before Oreino Korakovouni, a 2.5 kilometer dirt road heads left which will take us toward Artikaina Castle (a Byzantine era fortification about which no details are available). From the road, we will see the castle on our left. We can park there and walk for about 600 meters to reach what is left of the castle walls. It is not far, but the ‘path’ is rough, so it requires 20-30 minutes. However, it is worth the trouble, since we will have a spectacular view of the sea and Paralio Astros from the castle.


Artikaina Castle

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